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Published on August 28, 2023

Facts About Cholesterol

Photo of HDL and LDL Cholesterol sign High cholesterol is a risk for many Americans. “Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance that can be found in all parts of your body,” said Pramod Multani MD, an internal medicine doctor at PIH Health Downey Promenade. Cholesterol helps your body make cell membranes, many hormones, and vitamin D. The cholesterol in your blood comes from 2 sources: the foods you eat and your liver. Cholesterol from food comes from animal sources such as meat and dairy. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs.

Cholesterol and other fats are carried in your bloodstream as spherical particles called lipoproteins. The 2 most commonly known lipoproteins are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

What is LDL (L for Lousy or low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol?

What is HDL (H for Happy or high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol?

LDL (lousy for L or bad) cholesterol is a type of fat in the blood that contains the most cholesterol. It can contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries (atherosclerosis). This is linked to higher risk for heart attack and stroke.

You want your LDL to be low. To help lower it:

  • Don't eat foods high in saturated fat and trans-fat, such as red meat, fried foods, cheese, or butter. Eat a heart healthy diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, poultry, fish, nuts, and non-tropical vegetable oils.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Stay at a healthy weight
  • Stop smoking, if you smoke

HDL (happy for H or good) cholesterol helps to remove cholesterol from the blood. This keeps plaque from building up in your arteries.

You want your HDL to be as high as possible. Some people can raise HDL by:

  • Exercising for at least 30 minutes 5 tmes a week
  • Quitting smoking, if you smoke. Vaping also lowers HDL cholesterol.
  • Not eating saturated fats
  • Losing weight, if needed. Losing even a small amount of weight (such as 5% of your body weight) is helpful.
Others may need medicine. Because raising HDL is complicated, you should work with your primary care physician on a treatment plan.

Checking your blood cholesterol level

A cholesterol screening is an overall look at the fats in your blood. According to Dr. Multani, “Screenings help find people at risk for heart disease. It is important to have what is called a full lipid profile to show the actual levels of each type of fat in your blood: LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and others. Talk with your healthcare provider about when to have this test.”

Your cholesterol is checked with a simple blood test. Your healthcare provider will tell you if you need to not eat (fast) before the test. The results tell you how much cholesterol you have in your blood. Get checked as often as your healthcare provider suggests. Start keeping track of your cholesterol levels and other risk factors regularly at age 20. The American Heart Association (AHA) advises following up every 4 to 6 years. Check it earlier if you have an increased risk for either high cholesterol or heart disease. If you have diabetes or high cholesterol, you may need your blood tested as often as every 3 months. Discuss your numbers with your healthcare provider. You may need to be checked more often.

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are another class of fat found in the bloodstream. The bulk of your body's fat tissue is in the form of triglycerides.

Triglyceride levels and heart disease

The link between triglycerides and heart disease is being studied. But many people with high triglycerides also have other risk factors, like high LDL levels or low HDL levels.

What causes elevated triglyceride levels?

High triglyceride levels are linked with health conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, or liver disease. Dietary causes of high triglyceride levels may include drinking a lot of alcohol, eating foods containing saturated fat and trans fat, and eating lots of refined carbohydrates.

What is a healthy blood cholesterol level?

“High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. You can lower your risk by getting more exercise, losing weight if you are overweight, quitting smoking, and eating a healthy diet,” said Dr. Multani. But blood cholesterol is very specific to each person. Your healthcare provider will determine your total cholesterol and LDL goals based on other risk factors. For that reason, a full lipid profile is an important part of your health history and important information for your healthcare provider to have.

What treatments are available for high cholesterol?

Medical treatment may include changing risk factors that can be changed, such as bad eating habits and lack of exercise. There is a group of medicines known as Statins, such as colesevelam, cholestyramine, and colestipol, and nicotinic acid (niacin), which lowers fats in the blood, particularly LDL cholesterol.

Best time to check your cholesterol is during an annual physical. Visit if you need a primary care physician near you.

The information in Healthy Living Online is for educational purposes only.  It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.  The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation, or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.

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This Recipe first appeared in Health eCooks®.